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Containment Suite for Analytical Compound Testing

Our state-of-the-art containment suite is engineered to provide unparalleled protection for personnel weighing and performing tests on potent compounds ranging from class 3 to class 5 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs). Designed to handle materials in 10g quantities with Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL) less than 1 µg/m³, this suite combines two hybrid gloveboxes with a top-mount balance enclosure, creating a highly controlled environment tailored for precision and safety. Designed for operation in a downflow manner, this suite ensures containment levels down to the nanogram level, verified through rigorous testing. Integrated glove panels enhance safety by minimizing exposure risks during operation.

The suite features a polypropylene superstructure for robust durability, coupled with clear acrylic viewing panels to maintain visibility. The chemically resistant phenolic resin base is meticulously dished around the edges, effectively containing spills and ensuring a clean containment zone. The interior space is optimized to house a Karl Fisher, a Mettler Toledo Balance XPR206DR, a Mettler Toledo Micro Balance MP80, a Cary 630 FTIR Spectrophotometer system, a vortex mixer, a desiccator, and a stirring hotplate, providing a comprehensive solution for various testing and weighing processes. The top-hinged doors at the front facilitate the introduction of equipment without compromising the containment integrity. Equipped with dual-ULPA filtration units, this suite allows for air recirculation into the room under specific conditions, ensuring a sterile and safe working environment. The glove panels on the hybrid units are removable, offering flexibility based on material Occupational Exposure Bands (OEBs).

Our containment suite prioritizes safety with its advanced design and construction, adhering to the highest standards of occupational health and safety. The combination of superior materials, precise engineering, and comprehensive safety features ensures maximum protection for personnel handling potent compounds. Optimize your weighing and testing operations with our advanced containment suite, designed for the highest level of safety and efficiency. Invest in a solution that prioritizes protection and operational excellence, ensuring a secure and compliant working environment for your critical applications.


  • 316SS internal hardware
  • 316SS airfoils
  • White and yellow LED lights
  • ULPA filters
  • CSA-compliant electrical outlets
  • Misting wand
  • (2) large Roxtec cable pass-throughs
  • 316SS sanitary fitting in the base

For a detailed list of specs, features, and FAT results, please contact your local Flow Sciences representative.

SKU CQ20436-01-1 Categories , ,
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